We help educate your taste buds

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Ever Feel Like

We get it you want to change but feel stuck

Have you ever browsed through recipes or watched food documentaries, yet still found it challenging to change your eating habits? 

While the pictures may look interesting, not knowing what a new food tastes like can feel risky. It feels safer to stick with what you know.

So why is this happening?

If you find yourself consistently eating the same foods but craving a change, you may be a habitual eater. 

Many people struggle to break free from old eating habits and make lasting changes, often without realizing the barriers that stand in their way. Common barriers include: 

  • Convenience
  • Price
  • Unfamiliarity 
  • Cooking skill level
  • Number of ingredients 
  • Buyer’s remorse
  • Cooking duration 
  • Preventing food waste

Our purpose is to get you tasting new foods

As the leading organization in taste education, Embrace The Munch specializes in broadening the public’s palate. Our primary focus is to reach large populations through innovative programs that connect individuals with a diverse range of foods.

To put it simply, we make it easier for people to break out of their comfort zones when it comes to food.

Tasting Changes Lives

Exploring new foods goes deeper than just finding more things that taste good. 

Studies have shown that when large populations consistently improve their diet, it greatly enhances public health.

(Hover over topics for more details!)

Lowers Obesity

40% of US adults are obese.

$147 Billion is spent per year in health care. 


Prevents Disease

88 million US adults have prediabetes.

8 in 10 of them don’t know they have it.


Promotes Sustainability

Solid waste landfills accounts for approximately 14.1 percent of waste emissions.


Decreases Waste

The United States wastes about 30 - 40 % of it's food supply.


Make a wish


I’m Tahini the Genie

Make a Wish

Get started by telling us about your Tasteful Wishes.

Want to know more about what Tasteful Wishes are?

(Click here to learn more!)

Tasteful Wishes are foods that you are curious about tasting. They can be anything, ranging from lifestyle foods to specific items.


Are there superfood meals that's as easy to make as cereal?

I wanna try vegan meat substitutes that don't have that weird texture.

Are there any vegetables that taste like candy for kids? My life would be set!

What do frog legs taste like?

What else beside coffee and energy drinks can give me the same energy boost like caffeine? 

I'd love to try foods that can increase my IQ!

Check out more #TastefulWishes on our social media

Oh Bananas We need your help

We are trying to get Tahini the Genie enough magic to start granting your wishes!

Check out our social media for updates!

Why we rock!

A survey showed that 25%-45% of US adults experience some degree of habitual eating, usually due to time and financial constraints. Our 10-year observational study has shown that when people are exposed to wide varieties of foods, they organically diversify their nutritional sources.

Our mission is to connect the public to new foods and tastes.

Embrace The Munch was started because many resources today do not address the core issues surrounding risk aversion for trying new foods such as buyer’s remorse, food waste prevention, and convenience. Our programs are designed to make it easier for habitual eaters to expand their eating choices. Our award-winning “taste first” educational approach has been successful for people who feel like they often eat the same foods.  


We are an inspirational team of Black, LGBTQ+ women

Rosezelda Neufville

Consumer Behavior Expert

Taste is a powerful motivating factor when it comes time to deciding what you want to eat. Consistently exposing yourself to new foods can nurture a more well-rounded diet because you turn the unfamiliar to the familiar. Challenge yourself, next time you go grocery shopping notice how many items you haven't eaten because you don't know what it taste like.

Michele Danthon

Thought Leader

Imagine if you could eat purposefully for the lifestyle you want that fits your personal taste preference. You could transform your eating from "what do I feel like eating?" to "what benefits do I want from this meal?". Eat IQ boosting lunches or anti-aging breakfasts that taste great to you.

You Must Be Curious

Common Questions

Do you only focus on healthy foods?

Where is the fun in that? We cater to both healthy and comfort varieties. 😋

Are you trying to solve world hunger?

No, our organization focuses on developing new programs for the public's dietary expansion.

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